Monday, March 4, 2013

to my dear friend

life has been hard for you, so much harder than it should ever have to be. ever since the day he left, and your entire world came crashing down, life has been a roller-coaster of ups and downs. always though, the void is painfully obvious. the mess he left behind.

some days, like these, are so very dark; the sun seems as though it will never shine again. and tears come easily. and everything hurts. and questions race. and your entire body aches with the missing. the mess he left behind. 

let it be. let it sink in deep. let your body rest and collapse. it is ok to embrace the mess. embrace the hurt that rocks your world. it is simply too much to deny. the mess he left behind.



i've been told it does get better.

the sun will come. it's radiant light burning through the cold night. warming the grief to the bone. never gone, but transformed. this grief ocean, for now calm. the mess he left behind. now more beautiful.

a life so small. and so very brief. forever transforming the lives it touched. my own heart, forever changed. never doubt his impact, which will echo through the ages.

forever loved. forever missed. forever remembered.

what a beautiful mess he left behind. 

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