Thursday, November 29, 2012


i've not been posting this week, due to catching a cold from my little guy...who caught it from my family thanksgiving day... fabulous. since there's nothing quite as pitiful as a baby who can't breath. i rarely get sick, but i can't very well keep my distance from my own little cheek. so monday and tuesday were spent cuddling with the cutest boy i know.

my no make-up face, and jude kisses
in other news, i seriously have the sweetest boy in the world. even when he's sick, he is still a delight! i could just die from happiness sometimes.

Friday, November 23, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: the finale

my life

ok, so i've slacked majorly on this 30 days thing.
i could blame it on a lot of things, but mostly it's because i work nights, i get tired, and i think it's best to just live life. and not always blog about living it.

the above picture was captured this evening. and oh, how it captures what makes my heart happy. my boys, and a messy floor full of toys. in this moment, i feel so content.

and really, what is life all about, if not to be content in the moment?

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

reminder to self

spend energy on those who love you back.

i do not always have to be the giver in the relationship.

30 days of thankfulness: days ten-fourteen

un-edited photo credit
 i was trying to build up to the best things in life, but making him the thing i am thankful for for five days will have to do.

words do not even begin to cover how very thankful i am for this little cheek of mine.
do. not. even. cover.

i love you to the moon and beyond, baby love.   

Sunday, November 11, 2012

christmas fever {already}

 this will be jude's first christmas, so the ideas are already swirling in my head! it has always been my favorite holiday and time of year, and i want to make this the first of many magical christmases to come!

bring on the cheer!

all images via here

Saturday, November 10, 2012

isn't it lovely what one can stumble upon

purchase here
cheap and creative?
yes, please.
for a mere $10, I was instantly emailed this book, which is full of fun gift and decorating ideas for christmas{which is my favorite holiday, more on that later}.

the prices range from low to higher, as does the difficulty level. but i definitely think i will enjoy getting into a few of these projects!

Friday, November 9, 2012

ode to a red bouncy ball

documenting our first game

last night, jude learned his first real game. i'd been practicing rolling that ball to him for a while now. but last night was the first that he actually grasped to catch it and roll it back. it is just so awesome to see the light bulb go off- and the wonder in his eyes when he realizes that he knows a game. {and it didn't hurt that i was cheering with each roll. this was one proud mama}

i firmly believe in the simple toys, that lack the bright lights, bells and whistles. the ones that grow imaginations.  and this ball fits that mold to a tee!

30 days of thankfulness: day nine

sunny days
{especially fall ones}
oh thank you fall, for this beautiful friday. a break from the winter-like weather,
and sunshine, of glorious sunshine. so me and this beautiful boy can actually play in that tasty grass that jude loves to taste so much. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day eight

personal style
{and the blogs that inspire me}

 i've always loved fashion, clothing and getting dressed. it is a way for me to express my creativity, and feel good. i realize it can be superficial, but for me it is just another form of self-expression. plus, who doesn't enjoy looking cute?

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day seven

small moments
 like finding baby boy passed out after errands[my heart just swells with love]

30 days of thankfulness: day six

and an outfit
as thankful i am that the elections are over[thankful being ecstatically happy], i am also very thankful that we do get to have a say in who governs our country. despite the fact that the media makes it a frenzy, and more than a few individuals making complete asses of themselves via social media; i know eventually things will settle down to normal. 

my only wish is that congress will actually do something, instead of arguing. in the end though, the state of our country is dependent on how each of us choose to live and raise our children. ultimately, as long as i have gerson, jude and jesus, life is good:)

and now a few shots from yesterday. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day five

lazy mondays
 though i just said how i love  my sleep, i love mondays with this little guy. i get 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep after working all weekend, but staying in pajamas all day with jude isn't a bad trade off.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day four

image via here
make fun of me if you wish, but i love sleep so much. especially right now after working all night[and having to repeat 2 o'clock. "falling back" is only good when you don't work at night].

i always knew i loved sleep, and it really is the one thing i truly miss about my pre-jude days [though trust me, he more than makes up for it ;)].

Saturday, November 3, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day three

my job
despite the fact that i hate having to leave my boys in 30 minutes, i am so very thankful to have a good stable job. a job where i am able to make a difference.

Friday, November 2, 2012

30 days of thankfulness: day two

our little home

 it isn't the biggest, it isn't the best, but it's the place we're calling home.
especially after hurricane sandy, i am so very thankful to have this comfy little apartment to raise our boy in until we find the perfect home for us.

not too big, not too small- this place is just right for us.